Figuring It All Out Is Easier Than You Think!

What will make all the difference?
  1. What Really Matters Is Figuring It All Out

Last year I read the audio book “Everything is Figureoutable!” By NYT Best Selling Author & Entrepreneur Maria Furleo. The book title was enough to grab my attention and I soon discovered that it was something her mother would often say to her. Is figureoutable it even a word? It’s funny how something comes to life in a moment and becomes a mass movement all because someone put the words out there.

Our life journey is made up of moments and brick walls. We are always headed somewhere and then we are faced by a brick wall that stops us dead in our tracks. We lose our confidence, we get overwhelmed and we even give up on our dreams, goals and lose ourselves. The brick wall comes in many heights and widths, testing us again and again. It’s responsible for our struggles and failures but it can also represent the mountain we climb on our journey to success.

2. What Will Get You The Results You Wan’t?

What if we could see that brick wall up ahead and prepare ourselves to walk around it in heels or climb over it using the help of a ladder, or fly over it using a Pilot in a Jet Plane. What if we had a roadmap to navigate us to our destination or a teacher, coach, consultant or mentor to guide us by leading the way.

Whatever is stopping you, anchoring you and we all know that feeling of suffocation and that sudden panic attack that is coming on as darkness casts a shadow in your path. But stay calm as where there is a will, there is a way. Then affirm that “Everything is Figureaoutable!” Those 3 words were suddenly as important for me to hang on to as they were for Maria Furleo’s journey. They don’t have an expiry date and are relevant if you can relate to them. I took a post it note and quickly penned the words as a reminder, every time I felt a brick wall coming on. Its still stuck on my Mac a year later an serves as a constant reminder.

3. The Figure It All Out Principal

  1. Identify the problem
  2. Solve the Problem
  3. Hire Help
  4. Move Forward

4. Make an impact

Sounds simple enough! Thats because it really is that simple. We as humans complicate things and for all of you who know me on a personal level, it’s not unfamiliar territory for me. Know that it does get harder before it gets easier and the struggle is real. Know that there will be times when you’ve done all you can to figure it all out and haven’t quite got there, but there is help if you need it.

5. Your Guide Is Waiting To Help You

There are people out there that are just like you. They were starting out at some point and have learnt how to solve their problems and achieve the things you are struggling with right now and they are there to help guide you if you just reach out.

6. You Are Just One Singing Lessons Away from…

Remember, you are just one Singing Lesson away from mastering your voice! You are only one degree away from becoming a doctor! You are only one song away from passive income! Best of all, you are only a moment away from figuring it all out. So what are you waiting for…

Nancy D’Agostino

Day 5 — Write 365 Blogs in One Year Challenge! Starting 28/10/2020




Founder of Institute of Singing | Singing Teacher | Vocal Coach | Author| Illustrator |Artist