What If I Do Nothing About What Really Matters To Me?

  1. Back To Basics…

Sometimes we have to go back to basics and pen things out to get clarity! Grab a sheet of paper and a pen and sit yourself down in a corner somewhere quiet and ask yourself one simple question…

2. What are you really capable of?

Keeping it simple is exactly what you need to do in answering this conundrum of sorts. Make a list and then in brackets add in your internal thoughts — the one’s you normally wouldn’t voice out loud for all the world to hear. Start with a quick brainstorm, something like this…

  • I’m a good mum to my kids (even though I could try a little harder to have more time for them and with them.)
  • I’m a good wife (but I know I could be a little more present in my relationship by spending more quality time together.)
  • I cook awesome meals under pressure in less than 15 minutes (even though I know I could take the time to bake a Sunday Roast, basting it every 10 minutes to give my family that Xmas Lunch feeling every once in a while.)
  • I know I get all the mundane tasks done around the house each day (but I could simplify it all by decluttering my house, mind and workspace to get more done efficiently and have some extra time for myself and work towards being a better version of myself.)

3. What are you really good at?

Look at what makes you light up and come alive? The things that are built into you, that make all the difference to who you are and want to be. Think about what you are good at or what others have commented on as something you do really well.

  • I’m incredible at brainstorming ideas and getting started on exciting projects (but I know that my weakness is finishing what I start, so I will focus more to complete one project before commencing the next.)
  • I know that I’m meticulous and a perfectionist when it comes to doing the things I’m obsessed about…like Singing, Teaching, Writing, Illustrating, Songwriting & Recording just to name a few (but I also know that if I apply the 80/20% Rule, I will get things done and accomplish more.)
  • I get a lot done everyday (but I could manage my time better by breaking the cycle of being “busy just being busy”, and actually work out what really matters to me on a personal, emotional and professional level and get started on that.)
  • I love Singing and love the high it gives me everyday (but I know that unless I teach others to sing and help make a difference in guiding others who also love to Sing, then I wont be able to change their lives and make a difference and be fulfilled on a higher level and I won’t be able to fulfil my mission of teaching the world to sing!)
  • And let me help you get started with one…. I love singing as it makes me feel great and lifts my spirits when I sing (but what if I booked in for weekly Singing Lessons and learnt technique and got confident, then I could really find my voice and I could lead the Christmas Carols with my family when we celebrate together and share my joy of singing with them.)

Putting it down on paper or typing it up, gives you a visual reminder that allows you to acknowledge your thoughts and desires to take action. This is paramount in being accountable for yourself in getting it done with purpose.

4. Finding Sollutions…

Now, what if we take these points and do something more with them, to find some solutions to work it all out for ourselves?

  • What if you worked out how to get some balance in your life with work, family relationships and fulfilment and for better health and wellbeing? (Then you would have more time to get things done for yourself and your family and could also improve your relationships and life as a whole.)
  • What if you could divide your day up into blocks (then you could manage your time better, to fit in whats important to you and your family? Exercise to get fit, prepare your meals in advance for healthier eating. Free up some time for personal self growth by taking lessons, joining a class, starting a course or bootcamp doing something you really enjoy.)
  • What if you could implement new routine in your life that ticked all the boxes for the next 30 days (allowing you to in the short term to get motivated and thrive with momentum. You could get the most out of your day and also get better at juggling all that life throws at you. You could also enjoy a good nights sleep, knowing that your day was productive and fulfilling.)

5. Getting help is your next call to action!

Sometimes the hardest thing is to actually succumb to the realisation you’ve done everything you can but really would benefit with some help. Start with your resources to move forward. You may like reading, so invest in some books and take the time to learn from others. You may prefer to download an audio book to listen and be inspired whilst going on a morning walk as part of your fitness regime.

Accelerating your results with a Teacher, Coach, Mentor, Consultant or Expert in any field will help you to gain clarity and focus on the steps that will help you get the results you are working towards. When you are stuck, you have the choice to remain stuck for a day, a week, a year or a decade or you can make a shift. The Power to Pivot is key here and you’ll be back on track and on your way in no time with someone who has been walking on the same path as you and is way ahead of you!

6. Where to from here…

The worlds your oyster!

  • Imagine going from Singing around the house to becoming a trained Singer with a beautiful tone who sings all song genres. What if you then performed at a friends wedding! What if you auditioned for the The Voice 2021 and actually made it through the heats! What if you auditioned for a band and became the lead Singer! What if you learnt how to write a song and went through the recording process. What if you could take that recording and stream it on 30 sites around the world and earn royalties.
  • On another note, imagine taking those 15 minute cooking recipes that I put together for my family each night with my busy day to day life. They may be a miss match of traditional recipes but they are the ones that I cook in my own special way and my family loves them. What if I could cook them up for the next month and take a gorgeous photo plating each one up and perhaps a few extra photos of my family enjoying the meals. Then I could create a cook book that I could sell on Amazon and build a personal brand and a passive income stream.
  • Its wonderful to think about it! But what if you do nothing about what matters to you? Mmmm! That never ends well!

7. The Power of — What if?

Suddenly the what ifs are very powerful and tangible if we just write them down first and you are in the drivers seat so start driving that vehicle! Work out what you are really capable of? Then do your best with what you know and the resources you have to figure it all out. If you get stuck, know getting help is all you need to get unstuck and get yourself moving again to know what you are really capable of. Then take the “What if…” and replace it with “I am!” I am me! I am capable! I am going to do this now! I am going to work towards being the best version of myself! Why? Because I am me, and I am work every ounce of my being and I owe it to myself! And know that enriching yourself from the inside out is the key to really being happy!

Nancy D’Agostino

Day 4 — Write 365 Blogs In One Year Challenge! Starting 28/10/2020




Founder of Institute of Singing | Singing Teacher | Vocal Coach | Author| Illustrator |Artist